This morning I took some time to take some soil temperature readings on tees, collars and fairways to get an idea on where we sit. Our average soil temperature was 58.3 degrees Fahrenheit taken at random locations throughout the entire property, bermudagrass will not start actively growing until soil temps. reach 65 degrees and our overnight lows stay consistently in the 50's, we are still seeing lows in the lower to mid 40's. I also took some soil profiles to examine moisture, I'm starting to see some moisture loss due to winds drying out the soil and interfering with our irrigation cycles causing poor water uniformity and distribution. Not to worry, soil moisture is still holding strong!
Tee aerification is nearing completion, all of the larger tees have been punched. All we lack are the smaller tees that we will aerify with a smaller "pull-behind" aerifier. Once tees are finished, we will start on fairways and rough.
Tomorrow we will be spraying greens, collars and approaches with a spray grade ammonium sulfate (21-0-0). This process is known as "spoon feeding" which by using a liquid form, the fertilizer is absorbed foliar through the leaf blade and quickly translocated throughout the plant. Granular fertilizer is absorbed through the roots which takes longer for the plant to take up the nutrients, however, higher amounts of nutrients are able to be absorbed through the roots rather than through the leaf blade. Foliar applications are used to give the plant quick "bump" that can be noticed within 24 hours and has a very low burn potential due to lower application rates. Spoon feeding is a very common practice on golf courses during the growing season.
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